Getting startedInitialization


Before starting the video measurement, you’ll need to initialize the SDK.

Under the hood that step verifies the license and connects to a native platform camera device. The app must have camera permissions before this step.

You’ll need to provide an API key - see Authorization for more information.

import 'package:shenai_sdk/shenai_sdk.dart';
var API_KEY = ""
var USER_ID = ""
final _initResult = await ShenaiSdk.initialize(API_KEY, USER_ID);

Error handling

You should check if the initialization was successful before proceeding further.

Possible errors at this stage include:

  • INVALID_API_KEY - the provided API key is malformed or inactive
  • CONNECTION_ERROR - there is a problem with network connection to the licensing server
  • INTERNAL_ERROR - other errors such as missing camera permissions

enum InitializationResult {
if (_initResult != InitializationResult.success) {
  // handle error

If the SDK has been successfully initialized, repeated calls to initialize will immediately return success - to start a new session first deinitialize the SDK.

Custom initialization options

The SDK can be configured at the initialization stage to determine it’s behavior and visual appearance. The options can also be changed at runtime.

Calibration Integration

To use calibration modes (CALIBRATION or CALIBRATED_MEASUREMENT), be sure to set initializationMode. See the Calibration page for more details.

Initialization Settings

If you’d like to change these initialization settings from the Shen.AI Portal instead of app code, see Remote Configuration.

enum Event {
typedef EventCallback = void Function(Event event);
class InitializationSettings {
InitializationMode initializationMode;
PrecisionMode precisionMode;
OperatingMode operatingMode;
MeasurementPreset measurementPreset;
CameraMode cameraMode;
OnboardingMode onboardingMode;
bool? showUserInterface;
bool? showFacePositioningOverlay;
bool? showVisualWarnings;
bool? enableCameraSwap;
bool? showFaceMask;
bool? showBloodFlow;
bool? hideShenaiLogo;
bool? enableStartAfterSuccess;
bool? enableSummaryScreen;
bool? enableHealthRisks;
bool? showOutOfRangeResultIndicators;
bool? showTrialMetricLabels;
EventCallback? eventCallback;

See Configuration for detailed information on each option.

Providing the user interface

Unless you’re implementing a custom solution that doesn’t require a user interface, you’ll need to embed the SDK’s UI in your app. The SDK uses OpenGL/WebGL for rendering, embedded in a platform-specific native view component.

You can use the ShenaiView widget to embed the SDK’s UI in your Flutter app.

import 'package:shenai_sdk/shenai_view.dart';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Center(
      child: ShenaiView(),


After finishing using the SDK you should deinitialize it - that will free up any allocated resources and disconnect from the camera.

